It says so right at the top of the page.
1042 words, a 4 minute and 23 second read
I honestly thought this cycle might be different, as there are, truly, some amazing folks seeking Council office this time around, and almost all of them have said something about keeping this post and election process nonpartisan. If you know me, you’ve heard this all from me before, and if not, I will definitely explain (don’t worry).
As is noted above, all candidates on the ballot for local NONPARTISAN elections have to use this same nomination paper.
I view this as a pledge.
It is wildly important (at least to me) that local elections remain the last place free of divisive party and special interest politics. More than ever before (and in WI in particular) we can see the inefficiencies at the State level of party politics every day. Nobody seems willing to compromise, and essentially nothing gets done. Ever.
The answer to this question used to be that your water and trash removal do not care whether the person in charge of them is a Republican or a Democrat. I believe that these days the issue is much worse than that. I have heard councilors on previous councils in Oshkosh say that they would love to vote a certain way on an issue but are afraid that their ‘base’ will not be happy if they do…and that is not how this is supposed to work.
I’ve said this before, but it’s worth repeating: the job of Councilor in a council/manager form of government is conduit between the folks who live here and city hall. Period. Not some of the folks. Not just the ones who align with one political party or another. All.
Here is a pretty good article that discusses the pros and cons of partisanship at the local level. And here’s a great quote that sums up some of my feelings on it:
’Having to opine on jurisdictionally irrelevant conflicts in Washington, D.C., will do nothing to address questions such as whether to allow more accessory dwelling units or change the timing of traffic lights, says Brooks, the National League of Cities official.’
And Further…
’Partisanship is not a great tool for accountability at the local level, says Justin de Benedictis-Kessner, a public policy professor at Harvard University. “There are potential downsides, especially if one side is better at mobilizing and getting candidates for their races,” he says. “If there’s one-party capture of all these races, you’re not going to get meaningful competition.”
Which leads me to the defenses of partisanship that I hear most often in Oshkosh.
1. ‘If I know that a candidate is aligned with a political party, that helps me know how to vote’.
This is not only a little lazy, but also, at least locally, often untrue and not a good indicator of how a candidate would work for you.
More quotes:
“The notion of a political agenda driven by one party or the other doesn’t seem to translate at the local level,” Brooks says. “Ideology doesn’t seem to break down that way when you’re talking about trash pickup or bus shelters.”
(also…and for bonus points…yard signs do this too:) Association by proximity of adverts in your yard also does not necessarily translate to similar thoughts…but people still use that indicator as a way to vote.)
2. (This is the answer I hear MOST often often these days, and one I want to dig into further): ‘Political parties in local elections help folks who might not have the funds and support to run on their own which will lead to a more diverse elected body’.
Let’s look at a couple of recent races to see how this is going.
This year, the majority of candidates have been endorsed and/or received support from either of the 2 major political parties. No matter who wins, we will wind up with the least diverse Oshkosh City Council maybe ever? (certainly in my memory and time here).
More interestingly…in 2023 both the Republican and Democratic parties of WI sent more money than they ever had before on Oshkosh Council candidates. This was driven by a very contentious supreme court race, and a lot of the goal was simply to drive voters to the polls (which worked…turnout was near double what it typically is)…however the funds and support WERE given directly TO the candidates. In that race, the 4 least diverse candidates won. Interestingly, the only female candidate running did not align with either party and did not win. And MORE interestingly, the 2 candidates who were most heavily supported (one by each major party) also both lost.
The second answer above I really do wish was correct. On my site, you will notice that the very first promise I give is to not seek funding. I believe that there should not be a cost of entry to serve your community. The second promise I make is a commitment to nonpartisanship. Candidates should not need to pander to a party, where parties do not belong, in order to have a shot at being elected. That is not how this is supposed to work.
As a general rule, I try not to complain unless I have at least some sort of solution on how to improve the situation… so…
did you know that Oshkosh councilors receive a salary?
I really do wish that anybody who wants to do so would run to represent you as a city councilor. And I guess I sort of do wish that aligning with a political party might be helpful in that…but it really isn’t.
I formed a PAC. Really.
And if elected, I will fund it with my council stipend.
We’ll grant, to any candidate on the ballot (post primary), $1000 (almost the max contribution) who vows to take no partisan support (no $$$, no photo ops, no literature drops, no yard signs in the windows) AND who pledges to disavow and unwanted party endorsements/support as well. AND…that’s it. That is the ONLY requirement.
Perhaps this really will encourage folks with great and unique ideas to seek office if they do not require the divisive constraints of party politics to do so.
(Oh, and….political parties all seem to have animal mascots, so figured good idea that this one did too… and who is less partisan that Husky dogs?!?!?!)
As always, thanks for reading…and any question/comments click the button.