a first 100 days v.4
380 words, a 1 minute and 10 second read
Back to our more regularly scheduled programming. This first 100 days series are things that, if elected, I would work to get accomplished rapidly.
A little lighter subject this time, and shorter (thank h*ck right???!!!)..but still for good reason.
You will hear a lot more from me about ‘quality-of-life items’ coming up. Things that are good for the folks who live here AND attract people who want to move here (cities are either grow or die…and we’re not exactly growing rapidly at current).
Your Central City is the most densely populated residential area in Oshkosh. Lots of those folks have (or want to have) dogs, (because dogs are THE most awesome). Urban dog parks have become very popular in the last couple decades (there was a great one near where I lived in Madison) as they are really nice, and low cost, amenities for the folks who live near them AND are a great selling point for folks looking to relocate.
My wife and I visited this one, Swampdoodle Park, in DC last summer and it was pretty neat. We wanted to see what a ‘small’ dog park looked like. Swampdoodle is only 6000 sqft, and it would be a perfect size for our downtown.
My dogs and I walk through Roe Park pretty much every day. It’s a lovely park, the playground is always sort of busy, and there is TONS of unused green space. In the pic above, the marked area is about 7000 sq ft. Plenty big for our own little urban dog park!
And…yes…there ARE more important issues than an urban dog park. However, back to original premise on this page and one of the reasons I am running to represent you: I believe municipalities can do ‘big’ important things and smaller quality-of-life things at the same time (and geez…hopefully BIG quality-of-life things sometime soon as well). Municipalities can walk and chew gum so to speak. I also believe that we need some progress, and as before, progress begets progress…the more we do the better we’ll get at it.
SO… Roe Dog Park?
What other good ideas do you have? Would you like to see a central city dog park? If so, where do you think is best?
Any questions or comments always welcomed…click the button.
Oh…and here are our doggies…who are likely too poorly behaved to be welcome in an actual dog park…