a first 100 days v.2

648 words, two minute and 30 second read.

To recap: This is the series of things that, if elected, I’ll get to work on ASAP. I believe it’s time that your council PROACTIVELY does things to make your city better (rather than just reacting to items as they come up). And for bonus points, these SHOULD be things put forth BY the community (that’s Y O U !!!…so email me!). I believe that the more practice we get at doing things, the easier it gets to do more things. Progress does beget progress, and it’s time to start making some.

This series is in no particular order of importance for me, and it’s a Holiday week, so something a little lighter for you to consider this time (h*ck your current council just voted to take the next meeting off…so let’s be sure not to overdo any thinking here either! ;) )

This one is simple, straightforward, and inexpensive. Not exactly revolutionary, but again, every little bit counts, and the better we get at doing ANYTHING… well…

look at this photograph:

That’s State Hwy. 45 as it enters Downtown Oshkosh highlighted in pink. Algoma is the one way if you’re traveling North, and High traveling South. It’s a little awkward for sure, but at first glance maybe doesn’t seem like that big of a deal. Your Downtown Oshkosh is a few blocks state highway, and then not.
Some thoughts on this:

  • A century ago, it probably made a lot of sense for major thoroughfares like a state highway to travel directly through a downtown. Now (especially since 2008) we are driving traffic toward a road that has been very purposely made narrower in order to be more walkable and less drivable. Maybe this makes less sense now?

  • It is A LOT harder to close a state highway than a city street (the DOT very much frowns on this). Personally I have experience on this subject as one of the founders of your Oshkosh Jazz Festival (we currently use the 400 block, but it might be nice to have this event in front of Opera House Square instead right?). Same with your Downtown Oshkosh Farmers Market (I was one of the folks who initially
    helped to move that event TO Main St., and former board member). It might be nice if your market could utilize the road adjacent to the Square as well no?

  • Earlier this year, I was asked to help bring a new fun event to Downtown Oshkosh but ultimately had to pass, as the roads needed for it to be successful essentially cannot be closed for the correct period of time.

  • Events like those above (and who knows how many more could be) really are good for ALL of Osh, not just downtown. We are lucky to have a Central City as vibrant as the one we have, and the more it gets used, the more the entire city benefits. Opera House Square is a delightful space, and one we are truly lucky to have. Being able to better use the roads adjacent to it seems like the right idea.

I’ve been asking about changing this route for a few years, and apparently it is not very difficult (though might take a little time). I’ve been told what this requires is just asking the state, and making our case. Pretty simple.

Doesn’t it make a lot more sense for Hwy. 45 to head West on South Park (0r 9th, or literally any numbered street from 24th to 6th)? Recently refinished (and kept WIDE on purpose) Oregon St. seems like the prefect way to connect with Jackson which IS Hwy. 45 from there on out.

Again, I fully understand that this is not anything groundbreaking, but I truly do believe that little beneficial refinements are helpful. And that the more things we do, the easier it will be to do things (practice makes perfect).

Also, really would like to hear any ideas YOU have. The more input folks have in our city the better.
Button below for any and all comments and suggestions as always, and thanks for reading.



a first 100 days v.3


a first 100 days v.1